Pandora, press day

Pandora, press day

All events Fashion . Exhibition . Fair . Showroom . Product launch­ing . Brainstorming / sem­i­nar . Shooting Pandora,...
Le Temps des Marques Responsables

Le Temps des Marques Responsables

All events Fashion . Exhibition . Fair . Showroom . Product launch­ing . Brainstorming / sem­i­nar . Shooting Le Temps des Marques Responsables Conference orga­nized by M6 Publicité and Wild Buzz...
Gurls Talk, in partnership with Nike.

Gurls Talk, in partnership with Nike.

All events Fashion . Exhibition . Fair . Showroom . Product launch­ing . Brainstorming / sem­i­nar . Shooting Gurls Talk, in partnership with Nike. On March 12th 2019, Gurls Talk as been host its first live event at Espace Commines, in part­ner­ship with Nike....

Expired:  Save the date !

Expired:  Save the date ! The guest of this event is Mio Chareteau, a sound artist Two per­for­mances are sched­uled : The Field Drum Suite (25 ’) and Play (7 ’). She will be accom­pa­nied by the musi­cians : Alexandre Babel, Louis Delignon, Charles...

Espace Commines
17 rue Commines
75003 Paris
T: +33 1 42 77 53 26

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